Read about it here
I almost puked on myself when the bimbo on the local news said this mammoth was killed by the "Oldest human beings known to exist", which is exactly the kind of moronic drivel most of us can expect from idiotic newsreaders. This huge beast died around 10,000 - 12,000 years ago, probably killed by Clovis people.
Many mammoth remains have been discovered in Kansas, most of them in the form of petrified molars or tusks discovered in rivers. Potential kill sites such as this one are much more rare.
When growing up, the grandfather of the fundamentalist family next door found a molar while excavating gravel on the Walnut river outside of Ark City. They believed it was a remnant of the "monsters" wiped out by Noah's flood. I'm sure the newsreader would agree!
haha, so how do you feel about news round here again? Dude, the world was created 2011 years ago so how could fossils be real duh!
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