After passing the narrows, the creek joins Fall river and really opened up for us. We made pretty good time after that.
I was happy to spot a beaver about 30 minutes into the trip and there were several areas that would make for some good fishing with the water a bit higher.
The Upper Access Point road was muddy and rutted, so we decided to push off at the Old Bridge Access Point and shuttle our kayaks from the Climax Boat Ramp at Ladd Bridge.
The creek is abundant with wildlife and several times along the way I couldn't help but feel like I was in a Kansas jungle with all the sounds I was hearing. It was quite amazing!
Gage height: 2.5'
Discharge: 25 CFS (recommended 50-85)

This was our course (8.5 miles)

Old Bridge Access Point

Enjoying the scenery

Trout guarding our boats!

Curtis looking at the strainers up ahead