I spent countless hours traipsing through brush and woods looking for morels this April with no luck whatsoever. It's been incredibly dry here since last July so I'm sure that had something to do with it. We were working in Rose Hill the first week of May when I happened to look down at the ground and discovered a half-free morel growing out of a neatly trimmed lawn. At first I thought it was a ceramic doo-dad, that is until I reached down and picked it. It was small, it was half rotten, but it was a morel.
The very next day my brother called and said he'd discovered one growing in his lawn, and in a very similar condition to the one I'd discovered. A few days after that I found a picture on Google earth of morels growing near Cheney lake.
I'll be looking again next year, and hopefully we'll have a little rain so the picking will be better. Jer's uncle told us he'd picked bags full near his house in years past, so that gives me some hope. :)
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