I bought one of these several years ago thinking I'd save money on my phone bill.
After I received it I realized there wasn't a local area code available, so I set up a 314 area code and number. The problem with this was anyone who called me would be billed for long distance charges. After googling for a solution I discovered a site called Grand Central, now called Google Voice. I applied for an "invite" which would enable me to set up the number of my choice with a local area code. After waiting well over a year they finally sent me an invitation, and then I set up my account online. Long story short, I was able to get the 316 area code, but was limited to a very few numbers in my area.
I emailed my new number to everyone, thinking my problems were finally over.
At first everything was fine, then after a few months the magicjack device would shut off several times a day, and when I was talking to anyone there was horrible static that made it practically impossible to hear the person I was talking to. Googling again, I learned that recent updates caused the device to use more power than was available through my USB port, and that I would need a powered USB port in order for it to work properly. I found one on Ebay for $6.99 with shipping included, received it several days ago and it's been working fine since.
Hopefully this trend continues or I swear to God I'll go postal.
I'm loading my gun... ; )
Shortly after I put this post up I looked on Magic Jack's website and discovered they had added my area code so I could change my number so it would be correct, and then I wouldn't have a Missouri area code. So, I did it.
Now I'm getting 3 or 4 calls a day from people who claim I called them when I didn't. So, I started an online chat with a rep from Magic Jack who says no one else is making the calls, because IT'S MY NUMBER. I told them someone was making the calls and it wasn't me, and could I maybe change the number so I wouldn't receive all these calls? Sure I could, the jerkoff tells me, but it'll cost you 10 dollars. I said no, I won't pay you to fix your problem, so what are you going to do? He said he'd refresh my number on their end and if I have any more problems to get back with them. It obviously didn't work because I've had 2 calls from people who I don't know in the last 10 minutes calling to ask why I'm calling them.
Time to get back with the person from Magic Jack...
OK, several hours later I get into a chat with a different Rep from Magic Jack who tells me I need to contact my internet service provider and have them "disable the automated outboard calling", because Cox is using my number (WTF?) to update services to other customers. So I call Cox and talk to a guy from India (sound familiar?) who is puzzled by what I tell him, so he switches me to a technician who explains this is impossible and that Magic Jack is yanking my chain and pushing their problem onto someone else. He said he had considered getting a Magic Jack but after hearing my problems with it he wasn't so sure now. I told him I was getting what I paid for, heh heh heh.
Time to get back with Magic Jack and tell them they're full of it.
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